Amazing Wild honey hunting in Nepal

Amazing Wild honey hunting in Nepal

Amazing wild honey hunting in Nepal is a kind of festival that is celebrated two seasons in a year. But in these festival women are not allowed to participate.  This festival is celebrated udhouli and ubhouli. Udhouli means starting of the winter and most of the wild and domestic animals come down hills to protect themselves from the cold and ubhouli means all the animals go up ward hills to protect from the summer. In ancient time people knew the seasons with the activities of birds, wild and domestic animals. When mountain animals and birds started to come down hills then the local people knew the time of wild honey hunting and people started honey hunting. They do hunting for one month. In summer also they also do honey hunting when wild animals, birds and their sheep want to go uphill. Still to keep   protection their culture and tradition local people do wild honey hunting in two seasons of the year. In 14 November 2014 we had participated Naiche village of Lamjung district of Nepal.  Some beautiful pictures of wild honey hunting are submitted here. From the beautiful pictures People can have the idea the procedure of wild honey hunting in Nepal.